White Online

Chapter 461: Lord Wraith.

”Alright, now the marbles… ” Luna murmured while sitting cross-legged on the carpeted floor. In front of her was a small table inscribed with a pentagram.

Isaac placed five marbles on the desk, surrounding the pentagram. Then, he sat down and looked at his girlfriend.

Luna snapped her fingers, and a silver-inlaid wand appeared out of thin air. She then pointed it at the drawing of the pentagram and closed her eyes.

”Hecate ’s Magic, The Seven Circular, Clairvoyance Magic! ” The wand ’s tip shone radiantly, and the five marbles began shining with the same intensity.

The pentagram slowly began fading away, and a small map appeared from there.

Isaac leaned closer and recognized the map as Winterland ’s. He recognized Starshow ’s country outline, and then neighbor county suddenly began glowing red.

A small red cross appeared in the shining country, and two words emerged with black ink.

”Country is Laughshow… and City is called Happylaugh… ” Surprisingly, the Country was the neighboring country of Starshow.

Luna ’s eyes opened, and she said, ”Next attack will happen in 10 days. ”

”I see, thanks. ” Isaac did a quick peck on her cheek, causing Luna to giggle softly. She smiled brightly and saw her boyfriend taking out his laptop.

”What are you doing? ” She leaned closer while asking.

”Ordering plane tickets, ” Isaac said nonchalantly.

”W-What?! ”

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