Up & Down In Sister’s Life

Chapter: Five No Garment To Wear


This is a fictional story, which is written by myself. This story is completely based on fictitious Characters, Characters names, Places, Behaviors, and scenes.

I will not bear plagiarism. If you do not want copyright on your story please do not steal my story. This story is meant to entertain the readers.

”A book is a gift, you can open it again and again ”.

The chapter of story starts from here….

Sobia awake everyone. After waking up some of them went for refreshing and others are waiting for their turns. There are only four washrooms that are away from the living rooms, two of the washrooms are for refreshing and two of the washrooms are for showering.

Sobia takes in, their grandmother in her room. She covers up her things and put them in her room.

Zainab made tea approximately for thirty people and while making tea she washed approximately thirty cups of tea. She starts distributing tea to everyone. She distributes the tea to everyone except Akram. When Zainab is distributing tea to everyone except Arham this scene Rehana saw and told.

”Zainab! ”, Rehana called:

Zainab said while down her eyes and covering her face, ”G! Waderani. ”

”Zainab also gives tea to your brother Akram ”, Rehana said:

After listening to these words, Akram spontaneously up his eyes, not for that Zainab gives him tea but for Waderani Rehana makes him Zainabs brother.

Sahib sees Akram in shock and he passes a smile while taking his tea without seeing Akram because Sahib saw Akrams attraction toward Zainab many times.

”Yaar! Feroz, I am driving for a long time, please give me a few minutes rest ”, Bilal asked gently.

Yaar! Feroz, I am tired and I am driving for a long time, please give me a few minutes rest ”, Bilal asked harshly in loud voice.

After listening to these words of Bilal, Feroz wears a seat belt, locks his arms, and closes his eyes. Bilal sees Feroz in this reaction, he catches him by his collar and swings him so hard.

Zainab comes near to him, taking a cup of tea in her hands while down her eyes. When he tries to take tea from her hands, his eyes only see her eyes, so he mistakenly touched her hand.

Zainab spontaneously up her eyes for seconds, see him, and again down her eyes. Zainab left for the kitchen.

In this, all scene Wadera Sahib just smiles while taking tea. His wife which is sitting near to him, asks him while seeing a smile on his face.

”Sahib! I am seeing you for a few seconds you are just smiling ”, Sana said:

Sanas father marries her at a small age, after losing his property. Now her parents are farmers somewhere else. His father asks his brothers son hand for her daughter but his brother refuses him because he wants to educate his son, so he married her daughter to Wadera Sahib.

Wadera Sahib loves his wife a lot. Now, a days Sanas parents are angry with her because they want that sana to divorce her husband because he can not pregnant her, but Sana does not.

Sanas parents want her to marry her to their neighbors, they are not wealthy, but at least he is fertile. For this reason, Her parents fight, but when Sana refuses her parents than they become angry with her.

They are still on strike and will not be attending the marriage of Sakina. His sister Rehana tries many times to convince them but they are not.

”No! I am not ”, Sahib said:

”No! you were smiling, tell me why are you smiling? ”, Sana asked:

As Sana asks, he gives his empty cup to her and left instantly from there. He is the kind of person, who does not share others secrets with others easily. Akram fastly finishes his tea and goes with Wadera Sahib.

”Malala! You do not want to wake up? ”, Manu asked harshly.

Their village house was also built of concrete. Their rooms are built in a straight line. At the night time, they also sleep out of the room in the fresh air.

After mumbling, Malala again falls in asleep, after in a few minutes, her mother comes again to her but this time her brother catches her mother Manu and gives bucket full of water. Which she takes with her but puts aside.

In this scene seen by her brother, he did not ignore her and directly comes to her to pick up the bucket and threw water at her.

She wakes up while shouting: ” Ahhh! ”

”Razia!, Takes breakfast for your small waderani Malala ”, Manu said to her servant Razia while laughing at Malala. Razai is thirteen years old.

Malala while crying said: ”Ami you are taking the side of Rahil. ”

”No! I am not ”, Manu replied:

”Then why did not said him that is this a way of awaking someone ”, Malala replied:

”Its okay, he is going to marry now forgive him ”, Manu replied:

”Is he leaving the house after marriage? No! Ami you are fully taking the side of Rahil. No one loves me in this house ”, Malala replied while crying. She left the bed.

”Hey! hey I am sorry ”, Rahil replied:

”leave me, I will not attend your marriage ”, Malala replied:

”You are angry with your brother ”, Rahil asked:

While shaking her head she replied yes.

” I buy a gift for you but you are saying that you will not attend my marriage then its okay. I will give your gift to your sister-in-law ”, Rahil replied:

”When I said, I will not join your marriage. I will ” Malala replied.

Rahil starts laughing.

Foziya reaps the all left grass from crops. She is almost ready to go home. She puts a sack of grass on her head and moves towards the house by the side of the road.

Bilal almost reaches his house. Bilals phone is ringing, Bilal asked his friend to pick it up but he ignores him. Bilal tries to picks up it by himself. Bilals all focus goes on his mobile, he did not see a woman walking on the road side.

He almost gonna hits her but he sees her and turns the car to his right. In this, the woman badly falls down the road by protecting herself.

He sees her in his cars mirror and asks her sorry in loud voice. He switch off his mobile, threw his mobile on his back seat, and thanked God for saving their lives. It was his father on the mobile. Feroz opens his eyes.

”whom are you asking apology from? ”, Feroz asked:

”You were sleeping, so sleep, why are you awake? ”, Bilal said, harshly.

Foziya arrived at her house and puts down a sack of grass from her head. She runs towards the room changes her clothes into casual ones, not fancy, and puts on kajal then washes her hands and face.

She did everything fastly so that no one sees her and she leave for the Waderas house. But unacceptably, while she washing her face, her mother sees her.

”Foziya! you are here ”, Maria asked:

”Ami! Goodbye, bye, bye ”, Foziya said:

”Foziya! wait for a second ”, Maria said:

Foziya stops and her mother comes near to her and cleared her, spreading kajal from her scarf. And then she says goodbye to her.

From the main gate, Bilal arrived at home and first time Foziya comes to Waderas house after childhood. Foziya arrives from the small back gate of the Waderas house.

Everybody welcomes Bilal and Feroz very happily. Bilal comes out of the car and runs toward her mother and hugs her.

After a while, he sees that Feroz is still inside the car. Bilal said to him in a gesture way to come out, but he still did not move and everybody is seeing him.

Bilal runs towards the car and takes him out of the car and takes him to his family. Bilal introduces his friend Feroz to his family and he also meets everyone.

From afar Zainab and Sobia see this scene by hiding in the back of a pillar. At the first sight, Sobia has a crush on Feroz.

Rehana called Zainab and Zainab goes to her. Sobia, while thinking about Feroz, she stands leaning back on the pillar. And she sees that her sister is limping while walking.

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