Untelling Tales
\"Why am I here\"
”Want was that!” Ahya halts his eyes widening before he starts his dash outside Zion quickly behind.
Only to be met with a house lit up with flames, their colors fickering as the flame threatens spreads its destruction to the buildings around it.
Taking a brief glance at each other they freeze at the sound of wailing from the building in front of them
Ahya taking action as he goes to sprint towards the building Zion barely being able to grab his arm pulling him back.
”We need to help them!” Ahya shouts angrily, Zion glaring at him before responding
”You have no idea what you
e dealing with, stop to think before rushing into a burning building you idiot!”
An undertone of worry dripping into his voice, his hold on Ahyas arm weakening slightly.
Taking advantage of the weakened hold Ahya quickly slips out of his grasp bolting into the building Zion quickly chasing after him.
Hearing a high pitch scream they make a sharp turn ”We need to hurry!” Ahya yells only for Zion to glare at him slightly
”And maybe not run into dangerous situations, like burning buildings.” Zion tells him sarcasm lacinging his tone.
The building creaks at the crackling flames Zion instinctively covers his eyes as a chunk of wood falls down
Ahya sliding under it burns, littering his skin as he gains slivers and forms blisters with a large on his shoulder and leg pain blooming from his injuries
He bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from reacting to it. Zion uncovered his eyes
A moment later…
”Zion you need to go get help!” Ahya hollows through the large barrier of wood before taking off once again.
Zion listening, he quickly pulls out his phone before noticing the fact he had no service groaning before he starts making his way out.
Making his way through the building he soon catches the sound of children they
e cries paining him as he rushes over to them.
They looked to be 7 or 8 years old covered in soot with hair that resembled an apple along with blue eyes.
Making his way over he catches sight of a third child, this one being nothing but a lomp of burned flesh and blood, the smell penetrating his senses giving him the urge to throw up,
Going to place his hand on the shoulders of the kids he whispers to them in a gentle tone
”Don worry Ill get you out of here…” cutting himself off as his hand simply goes through them.
Quickly turning around at the sound of a woman, the voice familiar and eerie.
The woman standing there burns, stinging her arms and blood dressing her silk nightgown ”You didn save me” the woman murmured her face showing no emotion her eyes dull.
Ahya flinches back, his eyes widening as he steps back ”How are you here- You died!”
The woman looking at him taking a step forward as she smiles ”You should know after all you were there.”
Flinching, Ahya pulls away, pulling his arms over his eyes as he clenches them, closing the pain of the fire on his skin only increasing as he has trouble breathing the fumes from the fire, not helping in any way.
Mumbling incorrharrit fraizes Ahyas breathing quickening as his vision blurs passing out.
A pale humanoid figure approached his limp body, its awkwardly long arms reaching out to him.
Freezing the creatures head makes a cracking sound as he turns its body staying in place as it looks at the new arrival behind it.
The figure tensing up before dashinging forward slamming a large chunk of wood on the spirits head, slivers breaking off the wood into the mans hands.
Rushing past as the figure pulled Ahya onto his shoulder waiting no time to start running to the entrance of the building the creature hot on their heels.
His vision clearing up Ahya spots the blurry image of the back of a blackettes head before glazing behind him fear creeping up his spine at the sight of the being, its large arms reaching forwards grasping air at its attempts to grab them.
Its pale skin seeming ghost-like and its eyes being nothing but a pitch black void its arms slicing the arm carrying him but fortunately for him he wasn dropped, the entice to the house and they
e only exit in sight.
Pain spiking up Zions arm only encouraged him to run faster using his free arm at an attempt to pull loose wood down as he dashed through the door not looking back to see if it worked, only stopping at the sound of a familiar voice.
”Zion Ill take it from here” The mystery person told him ruffling Zions hair.
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