Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 9: a Fair Day's Wage for a Fair Day's Work.

After returning from Ludwig ’s shop, Berengar spent the rest of his waking hours for the day perfecting agricultural designs. The first improvement he would have to make for the agricultural system of Kufstein would be the four-field System which was instrumental in sustaining a large population.

Currently, the three-field system was in use, which essentially operated as a form of crop rotation that left one field empty or fallow and used the other two fields to grow oats, beans, wheat, and rye. The four-field system was a huge advantage that led to the agricultural and industrial revolutions. If this world were left to its own devices, it would be centuries until they naturally developed such a crucial system.

The four-field system was like it sounded; it had four fields divided into Legumes, Roots, Leafs, and fruit. This allowed for an increase in food production, due to the legumes and roots, the soil would maintain or increase its fertility over time. On top of all of these things, it also allowed for the continued growth of food stock for livestock, allowing them to be bred year-round, as certain roots like turnips and beats were notoriously hardy plants capable of being grown during the winter season.

Berengar intended to fully implement the four-field system within the next month. Especially considering that after a month from now, he will have access to a quality phosphate fertilizer which will only increase the yield of his crops. If all went as planned this year, they would be able to have ample food storage. Within a few years, the Barony of Kufstein might even become the breadbasket of Austria.

After spending time drafting the plans for Agriculture, Berengar noticed that the sun had long since passed, it was late at night now, and it was just about time for him to take a bath and head to bed. After all, he had a lot of work that needed to be done tomorrow. However, just as he was about to ask the servants to prepare a bath for him, Berengar heard a slight knock on his door.

Cautious that it might be another ploy from his brother Lambert, Berengar inquired about the individual ’s identity before opening his door.

”Who is it? ”

The response surprised him; it was a meek and feminine voice, one that still held the high-pitched tone of a child.

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