Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 678: Yes Ma'am!

In the following days Berengar, and his son Ghazi travelled from the coast of Gibraltar to the capital of Al-Andalus. They rode in an armored stagecoach, which was protected by members of the Imperial Guard. The caravan rode for some time before arriving in the city of Granada where both the remnants of the Granada Royal Army and the Imperial German Peacekeepers greeted them.

The city ’s streets had been cleared, and everyone who dwelled within its walls for forced to return to their homes for the time being. However, that did not stop men, women, and children from gazing out through their windows to see what important guest had arrived.

After the armored stagecoach arrived at the Royal Palace of Al Andalus, Berengar stepped out of the vehicle, before helping his young son down so that he was by his side. Ghazi gazed with wide eyes as he witnessed the splendor of the Capital. Though it was far from the glory of Kufstein, it was significant in its own right.

Truthfully, the boy had never left the palace since his birth, and now he was witnessing a foreign Empire on the other side of the continent. His young mind was flooded with excitement as he tried to run towards the massive palace, whoever he was quickly pulled back by his father, who lectured the boy with a stern expression on his face.

”Ghazi, one day you will rule this land. However, at the moment, it is not safe for you to go running off by yourself. Stay by my side at all times, and do not speak out of turn… ”

Upon witnessing the intimidating appearance on his father ’s face the bow lowered his head in submission and muttered in a voice so low Berengar almost missed it.

”Yes… father… ”

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