Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 528: The Princess Awakens From Her Slumber

General Reyneke Trossingen kneeled in chains in the center of the Kufstein Town Square. By his side was a company of Royal Guards, ensuring his protection from the enraged mob that surrounded him. He knelt alongside several dozen other prisoners who were guilty of various crimes, including High Treason.

Without a trial, or even evidence presented before him, the Royal Guard had dragged the General out of his home the night before and ruthlessly interrogated him. Despite this unlawful abuse of authority, he knew his guilt well and thus hung his head low as he waited for his turn to be executed.

While gazing upon the scene with an expression filled with despair, Reyneke witnessed the King take the stand, and publically declare the guilt of the gathered prisoners so that all who bore witness knew the depths of their sins.

”I know many of you have been wondering why my Royal Guard had invaded the homes of your neighbors and dragged them into the streets last night. I assure you that each person gathered here today is guilty of the most heinous crimes.

Each citizen gathered here in chains today, are guilty of a variety of criminal acts associated with the assassination attempt on my life, which you all know has resulted in the grievous injury of my little sister, your Princess! For these most heinous of sins, I hereby sentence them to death! ”

The enraged mob who had gathered to witness this event screamed at the prisoners as they heard this news while hurling objects at them.

”Death to the traitors! Burn in hell, you criminal scum! ”

Although this sentencing was technically in violation of the Constitution, a large percentage of the city ’s population did not care in the slightest. From their perspective, this was quite a simple matter. The Royal Family was attacked at a peaceful event designed to honor the sacrifices of the Kingdom ’s valiant heroes, and these prisoners were in part responsible. Only blood would sate the appetite of the mob. After raising his hands to silence the enraged mob, Berengar called out the first name on his list.

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