Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 516: Sensual Bath Part II

Berengar sat in his Royal Bathhouse, clothed in nothing but a towel over his waist, which poorly concealed his excitement. Though Yasmin had not yet joined him, he was certain the woman would live up to her promise. Thus, he was well prepared for the grooming that was about to transpire within this sacred room.

On the ground next to the giant pool of water was a series of wax strips and scissors. Their purpose was simple: trim Yasmin ’s pubic hair to a classic bikini wax. After all, with the research and development into synthetic materials, it was only a matter of time before his chemists created lycra, and when that happened, he could finally make proper bikinis for his women.

Though he had been planning a honeymoon for some time, for him and his wives, Berengar had ultimately decided to wait longer than he had initially estimated. Why go to Granada in the summer, when they could go to the Caribbean in the winter, and enjoy a tropical paradise free from the cold?

In his mind, he could already imagine the appearance of his wives and their bikinis. He had something special planned for Yasmin, a micro bikini that barely contained her nipples and finely trimmed fur. After all, nobody could view his women on his privately conquered island, so he was free to dress them in as skimpy of swimsuits as he could imagine.

As for what Island he would set out to conquer to act as the home of the Royal Winter Palace, he had yet to decide. Though he knew he wanted a small island with a small local population that he could use as the bulk of his labor force in constructing the mighty palace which he planned to base off of the Belvedere Palace from his past life.

While he was pondering about these things, the door opened. As Yasmin snuck into the room, she quietly made her way over to her husband, who was sitting in the bath, and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him on the cheek.

”I ’m sorry for making you wait. Did you get started without me? ”

Berengar chuckled as he heard his fourth wife ’s voice, before grabbing hold of her tan hand and kissing it gently. After doing so, he dragged her into the bath with him. That caused a tremendous splash. The woman rose from the depths of the pool with a smile on her face as she swam over and hugged her husband tightly, pressing her dark pink nipples against the man ’s broad chest.

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