Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 3: Introducing New Technology

Henrietta re-appeared with the court physician not long after she had left. Though she wore an expression that showed a great deal of concern, the physician did not share her empathy. Berengar sat upright in bed, having a difficult time speaking due to how dry his throat was. Evidently, this body had sweat out most of its excess liquid while undergoing a fever. Few thought he would survive the night.

The Physician carefully examined Berengar and was shocked to see that the young man had recovered from the fever, as there was little hope for his survival previously. Despite being a medieval physician and having virtually no knowledge of practical medicine whatsoever, the man named Ewald showed a degree of competency after making his announcement.

”No need to worry, Lady Henrietta, your brother ’s fever has broken, and aside from being particularly parched, he is completely healthy. ”

After saying that, Ewald handed Berengar a glass of water and allowed the young man to drink his fill until his thirst was thoroughly quenched. After finishing the glass and wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Berengar nodded at the physician and thanked him for his service.

”Thanks, Ewald; I can always count on you in my time of need. ”

Internally Berengar ’s words were insincere; however, if two lives have taught him anything, it is that it was not wise to voice your condescension aloud. Thus he acted in a civil manner befitting of a Baron ’s heir.

After hearing that her brother was healthy for the first time in a long time, Henrietta smiled ecstatically; this was wondrous news to her. Berengar had always been prone to illness; He was born with a weak constitution and a frail body. Something in which the sedentary lifestyle of a medieval noble only exacerbated.

His next words startled her as it was a question that was out of her expectations for her big brother.

”Dear sister, do you mind fetching the servants and instructing them to get the bath ready. I feel as if cleansing the grime from my body would be good for my health. ”

The physician snorted at Berengar ’s claims. Though baths were not uncommon for nobles, they certainly weren ’t as frequent of an occurrence as the modern world. Despite the physician ’s reaction, Berengar insisted on his request to his sister.

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