The Strongest Harem

Chapter 3: The Strongest Harem System

The white colour of the snow overwhelmed the green of the forest. A squirrel playing around with its friends saw a line of red liquid seeping into the snow. Curiously, the squirrel decided to follow the trail of the red liquid. The path went over around a hundred metres before ending at a red puddle.

The squirrel saw a human body lying in the red puddle. It was a teenage boy with a sickly pale face and blonde hair. The boy wore a blue coat, white shirt and blue trousers The human boy would look handsome if not for his sickly complexion and dirtied clothes.

But thats not important at the moment. Whats important is that the boy wasn breathing and even lacked a heartbeat. The squirrel decided to move closer to the boy in the hopes of finding something to eat.

But as the squirrel was sniffing around the boys hand, something incredible happened. The hand twitched. It scared the squirrel but not enough to make it run away. But just as the squirrel was to again move closer to the hand, it moved again.

Along came a hoarse groaning sound. The squirrel decided to preemptively cease its endeavour and scurried away with frightening speed. The squirrel didn see the sickly pale boy snapping open his beautiful sapphire eyes.

”Clara! ”

Shouted the boy. But his shout found no listener in the silent forest.

”Damn! Where the hell am I? ”

When the boy looked around he saw that his surroundings were unfamiliar.

”Clara! ”

The boy shouted again but got no response. Giving up, the boy decided to look at his surroundings better.

He saw an unfamiliar forest coated in white snow. Its not just that the surroundings were unfamiliar to him, but the trees also looked nothing like the ones he ever saw in his life.

But suddenly a hint of realisation came to the boy and he uttered a single word.

”Straypine ”

Straypines, thats what the trees are called. The boy had a confused look on his face. Let alone know the name, he was sure that he never saw this type of tree in his entire life. But he also felt a strange sense of familiarity with them.

It was only then that the boy realised that he had the memories of a stranger in his mind. When the boy looked down on his body he found out that it was not that he had the memories of a stranger but he was in the body of a stranger. The boy had a horrified look on his face.

”How the hell did this happen? ”

There was no one to answer him. When he looked through his memories he found out whose body this was.

The boy was Sky Adams, son of Jacob Adams, previous duke of Dorsell Duchy and Princess Emily Palmer, daughter of the previous king Angus Palmer of Vretia Kingdom. But the boys parents were no more. Both Jacob Adams and Emily Palmer died thirteen years ago in the war between The Vretia Kingdom and The Russell Empire. Skys maternal grandfather Angus Palmer also died in the same war.

The parents death was the start of bad days for Sky. He was only six years old back then. Jacobs brother, Patrick Adams took over as the new duke even though Sky should have been the rightful owner of the duchy. After taking over the duchy, Sky was always kept under house arrest under constant supervision.

Sky was homeschooled throughout his childhood and adolescent years. He barely had only one person to be called a friend. Even though Patrick interacted very less with Sky, whenever he did, it resulted in a scolding and beating for Sky for minuscule reasons. A lack of friends and physical abuse had a severe impact on Skys personality. He grew up as a shy person who always kept to himself and rarely interacted with strangers.

Skys aunts or Patricks wives, Priscilla Morgan, daughter of Duke Sean Morgan and Elaina Goff, daughter of Duke Jason Goff were the complete opposite of his uncle. They always showered Sky with love and spoiled him in secret from Patrick. Maybe it was because they didn have a child of their own that they treated Sky like their own child.

A lack of an heir also added to Patricks bad temper. He always blamed his wives for a lack of children. Since he couldn beat them because they were daughters of two powerful dukes, he would vent his frustrations by beating Sky. Recently Patrick started ignoring both Priscilla and Elaina and is rumoured to soon marry a third time.

After Sky grew up, Patrick always believed that Sky would try to kill him and get the duchy but once he saw how timid and shy Sky was, his fears went away. He knew that let alone usurp him, Sky would never even have the courage to look him in the eye.

Once Sky became seventeen years old, Patrick decided to send Sky as the mayor to a distant town called Apotin bordering the Effingwall forest. Sky spent the last two years in this rundown town.

Yesterday, Sky was returning after a meeting with the nearest city, Oddgates mayor, after discussing some terms to supply food for the upcoming winter. But, unfortunately, his group of inexperienced soldiers came across a bandit group who just happened to be passing through the area. In the chaos that ensued, Sky got separated from his group and was later killed by a bandit.

Sky would have stayed dead forever if not for James soul occupying his body. The memories answered a lot of James questions but left him with even more questions.

Why was he reincarnated? Who reincarnated him? What happened to Clara? What happened to James parents and younger brother?

But before James could ponder on these questions, a sound entered his mind alongside a transparent blue screen that appeared in front of his eyes.


[System Initialization…33%]

[Linking to the Hosts soul]

[Checking Hosts Data…79%]

[System Initialization Complete]

[Hello Host! This is your one and only, the most powerful system in the galaxy!]

[The Strongest Harem System!]

”Puff! ”

James coughed a mouthful of blood and died again.

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