The Mech Touch
CH 619
d Ones readied their lethal weapons.
Already, aerial mechs started to appear in the air on the other side of the wall.
”Step forward at your own risk!” The Planetary Guard mech continued.
”You’ll be regarded as hostiles if you proceed within two-hundred meters of the spaceport!”
”Ignore those Reinaldan fools!” A decorated mech of the Glorious Space Knights commanded to the crowd composed of fellow Lisvians.
”The Reinald Republic won’t dare to massacre their guests.
It’s all a bluff! Keep running forward!”
When the vanguard of the crowd of civilians reach the two-hundred meter mark, the Planetary Guard mechs prepared to fire their fluid projectors.
Then they started spraying.
Disgusting slime spurted out of their projectors like waterspouts.
Upon landing, thousands of desperate humans became engulfed with quickly-solidifying slime.
It was as if their entire bodies became engulfed with glue!
If the Planetary Guard mechs continued to use up their fluid projectors, the terrain would certainly become impassable humans.
This was not the outcome the organizers of this operation had in mind.
”Sure enough.” Captain Orfan nodded.
”When it comes to line combat, the Planetary Guard can’t catch up to the military.
However, when it comes to subduing riots, their non-lethal weaponry has no equal.”
The outfits deliberately let the fluid projectors douse the people on foot with the residue.
In order to gain something, they needed to lose something as well.
The crowds of civilians needed to learn that the Reinaldan mechs were not their friends!
Captain Orfan ignored the screams of stuck civilians encased in rapidly-hardening slime..
”Alright, this has gone on long enough.
Open fire already!”
Several seconds later, most of their ranged landbound mechs opened fire directly towards the Reinaldans.
The guard mechs hadn’t expected such an extreme response! Who would open fire above the heads of so civilians?!
The opening salvo disrupted the Planetary Guard mechs, though it hadn’t been enough to inflict serious damage.
Nevertheless, the combined mech force’s subsequent salvos continuously hammered the peacekeeping mechs.
Some of them even lost their fluid projectors!
The Honored Ones hesitated for a moment.
None of them were eager to start a mech battle with so many civilians in the vicinity.
The collateral damage that ensued from a battle of this scale could easily wipe out tens of thousands of lives in a single minute!
Compared to the hesitation exhibited by the Reinaldans, the mechs of the foreigners displayed no such care.
The unending stream of laser beams, projectiles and missiles absolutely hammered the Planetary Guard mechs into retreat!
”How devious.” Ves muttered as he witnessed the battle with his own two eyes.
According to the plan, the first priority of every mech taking part was to focus their fire on the Planetary Guard mechs.
More specifically, they had to break their fluid projectors and other means of non-lethal weaponry!
This was driving the Reinaldans into a corner.
Under the suppression and focused fire of the attackers, the Planetary Guard mechs were rendered completely impotent at this moment!
The civilians screamed and panicked underneath the one-sided exchange of fire.
Shockwaves and thunderous projectiles along with thick bright laser beams bombarded their sensory organs! Underneath the might of mechs, humans were as fragile as ants!
The menacing firepower unleashed by the Vandals and the other outfits motivated the foreign tourists even harder! None of them ever contemplated turning around! With so many mechs following behind them, their only fate was to be trampled by multi-ton machines!
The formation adopted by the outfits also ensured the civilians couldn’t run to the left or right.
Additional mechs had been stationed at the flanks in order to ensure the crowds could only run straight ahead.
”Save us! Guard mechs, please get rid of these devil mechs on my heels!”
”No! My wife! My wife has been trampled!”
”Where is my son! I lost my baby son!”
”You cursed Vandals! I looked up to you! There’s going to be hell to pay once I get back to Rittersberg!”
The awe and respect commanded by the outfits turned into fear once the civilians realized they’d been used.
Driven to survive, the tourists and visitors of Harkensen I could only run forward and seek asylum with the Reinaldans!
The Honored Ones continued to warn the hysterical mob to halt.
After all, once those civilians ran through their lines, it became impossible to maneuver their mechs without crushing innocent lives beneath their feet!
”This is your final warning! If you do not stop and turn around this instant, we will open fire!”
Bluff or not, the civilians predominantly preferred to face the Reinaldans at the front than the devils to the rear!
After several seconds of confusion, a couple of mechs of the Honored Ones appeared to find their resolve.
”So be it! You only have yourselves to blame for meeting your deaths!”
The Honored Ones from the ground and in the air opened fire towards the salvaged mechs of the foreign outfits! Their superior firepower inflicted heavy damage among the attacking mechs because their armor coverage had never been fixed!
Nonetheless, the destructive exchange of fire led to plenty of accidents! One of the Vandal-appropriated Water Wraiths attempted to fire its cannons at the Honored Ones, but a heavy kinetic impact disrupted its balance, causing all of its guns to fire towards the ground!
Hundreds of Brighter tourists splashed away from the impact zones! Up until the moment their bodies broke, they never learned their own side was responsible for their deaths!
Thousands of civilians lost their lives to these kinds of accidents.
While the scavenged mechs fell into an immediate disadvantage, they tenaciously held on and fought back with no restraints even as the collateral damage continued to pile up!
From the start, The Big Breakout had never been about achieving a victory through military means.
The Vandals and the rest held no illusions about their chances of winning against the Honored Ones.
They only way the attackers could defeat the Reinaldans was to test their scruples!
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