so cheap?! This is synthesized from nutrient packs! ”

The woman sitting opposite to him smiled amusedly at him.
”What do you expect? They spend the vast majority of their funds on keeping their mechs and ships together.
They have no energy to waste on procuring authentic food and drinks. ”

He had already become used to meals derived from nutrient packs.
The only times he got to enjoy authentic food these days was when Major Verle held an elaborate dinner occasion.
At least the big boss knew how to enjoy himself.
Ves couldn ’t imagine what kind of foodstuffs the mech officer squirreled away.

”You must be wondering why I asked to meet with you here. ”

”The thought did cross my mind. ”

Both of them shed the veneer of formality they normally wore while on duty.
This would have been a lot less common in Vesian circles.
Even the rebels that advocated for the overthrow of the nobility still couldn ’t shake off the class system that had been imposed on them for all their lives.

However, Iris had mingled with the Vandals for almost two months now.
Her continued exposure to how the Vandals treated each other had opened her eyes.

”Our journey is almost at an end.
From what I can see, we ’ll be crossing the border one way or another within the week.
This might be the last time our lives intersect with each other. ”

The female mech designer smiled.
”It ’s been a wild ride, hasn ’t it? ”

”It ’s not what I expected when the Mech Corps drafted me.
I originally thought I would spend the entire war stuffed inside a hidden research base buried somewhere covert deep in Republic space.
Did you know that I worked hard to advance my career in order to avoid getting sent to the frontlines? Hah! Look where that got me. ”

”Well, it doesn ’t appear you ’ve suffered loss, Ves.
Look at you now.
You ’re the temporary head designer of this fleet.
Although you aren ’t as capable as Professor Velten, you ’re gaining valuable experience in a role that is hard to come by. ”

”My job isn ’t as comfy as it sounds.
I ’ve been working very hard each day and it demands the utmost of my capability.
Everything would be twice as easy if I was a Journeyman Mech Designer.
My own subordinates wouldn ’t doubt me all the time. ”

”Are Trozin and Mercator stirring up some trouble again? ”

”Not particularly. ” He shook his head.
”They used to deviate from my orders or interpret them in an unusual manner.
They ’ve quieted down ever since we ’ve departed from the Nova Migolatus System.
Maybe their time on the field has done them some good. ”

”Didn ’t you send that other guy down there as well? ”

”That ’s Vedette. ” Ves palmed his face when he thought of the low-ranking mech designer.
”All I wanted was to stiffen him up.
He hadn ’t even been exposed to any threats to his life, yet once he came back from his deployment it ’s like he turned into a mouse.
According to the mental health professionals who examined him, he ’s actually suffering from PTSD! ”

Of course, this condition wasn ’t hard to treat these days.
The doctors injected Vedette with some drugs and put him through some kind of program that unscrambled his brains.
The only problem was that it took some time for the treatment program to bear results.

”Not everyone can be like you, who survived all alone for a while on Detemen IV.
You ’re a lot more dangerous than you look. ”

Ves laughed.
”That ’s because I bump into danger far too often.
It ’s partially my fault.
The galaxy is a wondrous place.
There ’s so much treasure to be unearthed from the frontier.
Sometimes I yearn to follow in the footsteps of the treasure hunters that ply the untamed stars. ”

”I can ’t imagine living an uncertain life like that.
For me, I have only the VRF in mind.
The rebel cause is my cause.
As long as my people remain under the oppression of the nobles and royals, my duty still remains. ”

”That sounds… admirable. ”

”I know what you are thinking. ” She shook her head.
”You don ’t need to hide your true thoughts.
We know each other well enough to see the truth in our eyes.
You don ’t believe we have a chance of success, do you? ”

”I can ’t understand why you are committed to your state. ”

”That ’s because it ’s my home.
Even if I hate it, I can never let my fellow Vesians wallow in their misery. ”

Ves truly couldn ’t see the point.
No matter how many times Iris explained her conviction, he would never understand her stubborn commitment to an ugly state.

They tactfully shifted to another topic.

”Anyway, the reason why I wanted to meet with you here is because I wanted to give you a gift before we say our farewells. ”

Iris nodded.
”I can ’t say much about the three-way negotiations that is going on between the Flagrant Vandals, the Hafner Duchy and Peace for Hafner, but we ’re already in the process of finalizing an agreement.
Hafner values Venerable Foster ’s potential a lot.
That has given us a lot of chips to bargain with.
You can bet that safe passage is highly possible for the task force. ”

”I don ’t believe that the rest of the Kingdom will be happy at Hafner if they grant us safe passage out of their territory. ” Ves frowned.

”Although the chance is minute, Venerable Foster has a small chance of advancing to ace pilot.
Compared to the possibility of obtaining their own ace pilot, Hafner is willing to endure all sorts of recrimination from the other duchies. ”

Ves frowned a little deeper.
He already knew her potential to be high, but it seemed he underestimated her value.
”A part of me wishes that she ’ll never be let go.
The prospect of freeing a potential ace pilot is giving me the chills. ”

There was no doubt that Venerable Foster had developed an undying hatred for the Flagrant Vandals and the Bright Republic.
Letting her loose might lead to a calamity in the future.
It was too bad that the Vandals really couldn ’t afford to hold on to her.
If they didn ’t ransom her back to the duchy, the Hafners would likely hound them to the ends of the galaxy!

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