The Mech Touch
CH 1889
gid ways and insist on a personal meeting that would never happen!
”Well, let’s talk about it after I’ve integrated my new implant.
Is there anything else that I should know?”
She nodded.
”My mother is concerned about our safety.
She prefers it if we depart the Ylvaine Protectorate as soon as possible and travel to the Hegemony or a region that is under my state’s protection.”
”Those are my thoughts as well.” Ves replied.
”I don’t have a good destination in mind aside from the Sentinel Kingdom.”
”Sentinel works.
It’s so far away from the Friday Coalition that its influence is non-existent in this state!”
”Alright, then.
Let’s set that as our next destination.
I don’t want to stay there forever, though.
Once we get there, I think it’s time for us to start earning some MTA merits.
I plan to accept some missions from the Rim Guardians.”
Gloriana frowned.
”What about the Komodo War?”
He scoffed.
”You Hexers don’t need a ’boy’ like me to win your battles.
Look, I don’t mind designing some mechs for the Hegemony, but I don’t want to get too involved.
The grand expedition is what’s important to me.
No matter what happens in our star sector, it’s all inconsequential to me once I’ve left this galaxy!”
Though his remark upset the Wodins at the dinner table, they quickly schooled their expressions.
Ves observed their reactions and gleaned some clues from their quick response.
understand.” His girlfriend said.
”I’ll do my best to support you, Ves.
After everything you have done for me, you deserve to have your way.
I’m sure my mother will convince the rest that we don’t have to be in the Hegemony in order to contribute to the war.”
In truth, I’m thinking about leaving all of the troubles of the Komodo Star Sector behind and travel to a different star sector.
I can perform some missions for the Rim Guardians without worrying about getting hounded by the Fridaymen all the time.
Is that okay?”
”As I’ve said, I’ll support every decision you make.”
She looked very reluctant when she said those words! Her brother and her cousin also looked upset!
Too bad Ves didn’t care about their desires.
He was more than done with the Komodo Star Sector.
He wanted to pursue a fresh start while at the same time make a practice run at adopting a nomadic lifestyle.
As long as he had enough time, Ves wanted to tour several star sectors and acclimatize his clansmen and subordinates to the life of a spaceborn clan!
Staying in the same place all the time would do nothing to prepare his people for the trip of their lifetimes!
At this moment, Brutus decided to speak up.
”It is dangerous for the two of you to travel once your accomplishments become known.”
Gloriana nodded.
”That’s true.
Masterwork mech designers as young as us will inevitably attract attention, and some of it won’t be of the good kind! It’s a good thing that we’ll be receiving some reinforcements, then!”
That was news to Ves!
”Yup!” Gloriana smiled.
”My mother arranged some additional protection for us.
It will take some time for them to rendez-vous with us, so don’t expect our security to be bolstered immediately.”
Ves appreciated the assistance.
Anything that made him safer was a boon in his book.
He was just unsure whether the reinforcements would listen to Gloriana’s orders.
The conversation continued long past dessert.
Ves continued to ask questions while Gloriana patiently answered his questions.
At some moments, either Brutus or Ranya would interject.
Only after Ves ran out of questions did they separate for the evening.
”Excuse me, Ves.
I still need to make some arrangements.
I also have to prepare your bed so that I can sleep in it tonight, hihi!”
”You don’t have to do that!”
”But I want to!”
Once Gloriana skipped away, Ves retreated to his private office and settled down behind his desk.
He sighed and glanced towards Lucky, who was staring back with glinting eyes.
Ves patted his cat on the head.
”Do you think this is funny?!”
”You don’t understand! You have Clixie while I have Gloriana!”
”Meow meow.”
”I don’t have time for that! Not with everything that is going on! Ask me again when we have left this star sector and escaped the reach of the Friday Coalition.”
Ves crossed his arms and turned his head away from his insolent cat.
He instead directed his attention to his silent but loyal bodyguard.
”Nitaa, what do you think about the conversation earlier? Are the Wodins sincere?”
”Your girlfriend masks her intentions well.” Nitaa stoically replied.
”Even as a woman, I have always found it difficult to decipher her true thoughts.”
”You’re not the only one.” Ves sardonically replied.
”Brutus is very disciplined.
He always maintains control over his body language and mannerisms.
The only Wodin who I can read with a reasonable degree of certainty of Dr.
Ranya Wodin.”
”What did you find out?”
”The Wodins value you, that is for certain.
Ranya’s attitude towards you has shifted significantly from the beginning.
She is much more amenable to your company.
I believe she even respects you in the same way she respects Miss Gloriana.”
”That’s good.
I guess I have a few less concerns about my upcoming implant surgery now.
I suspect that is not the extent of what you wish to say, right?”
Nitaa grunted.
”I don’t have any solid reason why, but I am not entirely at ease with the Wodins.
While I have always known you are a great person, it is surprising that your girlfriend’s relatives have turned around so quickly.
This does not conform with their prior attitudes and stance towards you.
Something smells.”
”Is that your extraordinary nose talking?”
The bodyguard grimaced.
It is my intuition that is warning me.
The Wodins are pursuing their own agenda.”
Ves shrugged.
”Aren’t we all?”
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