the noise did not decrease significantly.
The little girl let out a soft exclamation and lowered her head to look at her claws.
She flipped them around a few times as if she was wondering why she did not have the skill to lower her voice?

When the people saw this scene, they could not help but praise in a low voice.

“Oh my God, Little Dumpling is so smart! She is indeed the crystallization of Commander Ning and Mo Chu!”

“And this pure little appearance, she is so cute!”

“What should we do? Too cute!”

“Hiss –”

Amidst the murmurs, the sound of a gasp was especially obvious! Everyone looked over when they heard the sound.
They saw that this person’s eyes were wide open as he muttered in a silly manner, “It’s over! I can’t even hold on to one of them, and now he’s going to make a two-strike combo!”

Two-strike combo?

… What did he mean?

Everyone was slightly stunned and did not react for a moment.
When they turned their heads again, they instantly understood what he meant!

On the other side of the Drive Machine, Mo Chu was slowly walking down with a soft and tender little ball in her arms!


It was indeed a two-hit combo!

Just as everyone’s emotions were fluctuating like the waves of the ocean, Ning Yiyuan and Mo Chu were holding hands as they walked towards them step by step.

The two of them were handsome and beautiful.
Each of them was holding a small baby in their arms.
The entire scene was so perfect that it looked like a meticulously drawn picture.
It was beautiful and moving.

Everyone subconsciously took a few steps back and forced their way through the crowd!

The two of them walked to the door of the shop smoothly.

Mo Chu took a slight step forward and was about to open her mouth.

Ning Yiyuan suddenly reached out his hand thoughtfully and took the brother from her arms.
Although this little guy was not even a year old, he had a strong physique and a good appetite, so his weight was quite solid!

If Little Chu continued to carry him, it was inevitable that her arms would be sore.

Ning Yiyuan had always been so meticulous.
Mo Chu did not think much of this action, but in the eyes of others, it was different.

Looking at Commander Ning now, with one arm around each child, the cold and hard temperament of his body instantly formed a sharp contrast with the tenderness of the two children.
At first glance, it gave him an indescribable strange charm.

No wonder people said that children were a catalyst for a man to mature.
Now it seemed that it was no exception!

Didn’t you see that compared to the past, Commander Ning was more steady and firm? The temperament of a mature man on his body also became more leisurely.

“It’s over.
It seems that everyone’s attention has been attracted by these two little fellows!” Mo Chu teased, instantly causing everyone to chuckle, and their gazes quickly turned to her.

“However, today’s main character is the Spirit Food Restaurant!”

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly at everyone, but Mo Chu did not keep them in suspense.
With a light swipe of her finger, she unlocked the fingerprint lock on the door.

In the next second, the Spirit Food Restaurant’s door was instantly opened, and a strong fragrance instantly assaulted their noses.

Everyone could not help but take a deep breath, and could not help but swallow their saliva.
Oh my God! It smells so good!

Thank you for reading on

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