experts who were adept at examining energy immediately began screening the two Xia Fei’s for irregularity.

“They’re the same.
Exactly the same!”

“No way… Look closely.
How could a human share the same energy composition as an exotic beast?!”

“It really is the same.
There’s not any difference at all.”

Everyone was shocked once more.
The exact same energy composition? This was far too implausible!

Impersonating a different lifeform was the hardest hurdle any impersonator had to overcome.
This was especially true for exotic beasts and sapient lifeforms, of which the difference was heaven and earth! Truly, no one had a clue just how Xia Fei had been able to bridge this gap.

Xia Fei found this to be quite hilarious deep down.
The reason why he could act so arrogantly was obviously because he had something to rely on.
The cloning technique, Delusion, was not like other cloning techniques that could project several or even dozens of other clones, but it was capable of allowing energy to be transfused between user and clone! That was the most amazing aspect of Delusion!

Furball’s energy had been absorbed into Xia Fei’s body, while Xia Fei could also provide his energy to Furball.
That was why everyone saw the same energy composition in both Furball and Xia Fei.
The two of them were presently exchanging energies!

“Don’t panic.
If we can’t surmise through energy screening ,then we can try through smell.
Exotic beasts and humans both have different scents!”

“That’s right.
He used his sense of smell to differentiate Elder Otter and Brother Hyacinth; we can do the same as well!”

Three members of the organization with the most sensitive noses came over and sniffed at Xia Feis.

“I smell nothing! Absolutely nothing!”

“That’s impossible.
Ah Fei enjoys smoking a peculiar smoke.
How could there be no smell on him at all?!”

Xia Fei chuckled.
There was definitely usually a light scent of tobacco on him, but he was currently using Breath Control! There would be no smell in a radius of one hundred meter around him, and he would also appear insignificant.

His Breath Control technique was even more brilliant than Hyacinth’s Universal Spring Flourish, and Xia Fei was well practiced with this ultimate technique from the Assassin Sect.
He had even further improved upon it, breaking away from the original configuration and turning it into a brand new stealth technique! Only a fool would dream of identifying Xia Fei and Furball through the sense of smell alone!

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A tall impersonator pulled out heavy equipment from his spatial ring, looking like a shoulder mounted bazooka as he pointed it at Xia Fei and Furball from a good distance.

“We don’t have much time left.
Let me use the ray analyzer!”

“That’s a good idea! That will surely work!”

“A human and an exotic beast will reveal a different color when scanned by the analyzer! I refuse to believe that he’s able to completely change even his body constitution!”

Everyone was invigorated, all of them approving this sort of precision instrument which sought to stay in a laboratory.

Xia Fei pouted.
Hyacinth’s ugliness was really on full display at the moment, even pulling out instruments that belonged in a laboratory.
It looked like this organization, which was so-called the greatest impersonators in Exiled Grounds, was already in a state where they were completely out of options.

However, Xia Fei was not in the least bit concerned.
Furball was his clone, meaning that every single cell on him was exactly the same.
Even the most accurate precision instrument would be unable to see through this impersonation.

“ENOUGH!” Hyacinth bellowed with a stern expression on his face.

These juniors were all stunned, not knowing just why he had stopped everyone.

“Is none of you content with how embarrassing you all are acting right now? Esteemed impersonators who actually have to rely on instruments so that they can tell real from fake.
If word of this gets out, all Purple Blood Rockies will be too ashamed to face anyone anymore! None of you may want your dignity, but I do!” Hyacinth was fuming, chiding these people behind him without any restraint.

All of them lowered their heads, wordless.

“Why don’t we just take a wild guess?” The tall man, who had pulled out the ray analyzer, appeared not to be very bright, but even he felt awkward as he suggested this, scratching his head as he spoke.

The veins on Hyacinth’s forehead nearly popped out when he heard this, shuddering all over so much that he nearly fainted from the anger he was feeling.

“Are you so keen on humiliating ourselves even further? Okay, okay, okay…”

After saying the word ‘okay’ thrice, Hyacinth could feel his throat seize.
He then said the words that were stuck in his gullet that he had trouble uttering.

“We lost.”

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His voice was filled with such sadness.
It was two simple words, yet the meaning behind them weighed heavily!

Hyacinth, who had been flawless for the last twenty five years, finally lost.
Furthermore, they had lost to an outsider like Xia Fei! This was truly what made it the toughest truth to accept!

An awkward silence permeated the air for quite a while.
Xia Fei was silent.
Ultimately, he still needed Hyacinth and his men to help him do certain things, so he could not possibly kill them here and now, could he?

Since Hyacinth was satisfied with this loss, it should be time for their reward.
The carrot and the stick motivator was an approach that worked everywhere, after all.

“Master, you’re really amazing! Just what sort of method did you do that allowed you to create another you, and you even suppressed your presence completely!” Seth excitedly exclaimed.
Seth was showering his master with utter admiration and praise, and his success over Hyacinth and the organization’s reputation as being undefeated twenty-five years only made him even more pleased.
It was as if he was the one who had won, puffing his chest out in pride.

Hyacinth and the others were also listening intently, wanting to know just what Xia Fei intended to do at this point.

With a smile, Xia Fei had just prepared himself an impassioned speech to make them completely yield to him so that he could better assign them to do his bidding.

However, this was when an urgent alarm blared, which caused Xia Fei to swallow the words that he had long prepared.

*Beep beep beep beep!*

The alarm sounded more and more pressing.
The communicators that every member was holding were all making a din! The entire bamboo forest descended into chaos!

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