d by this reply.
“I’ll go with you.”

Zhang Dingtian nodded, and he stepped into outer space.

Bai Xue followed close behind him.

Jupiter looked very pretty from a distance, but the planet’s atmosphere was deadly.
Each of its seemingly beautiful lines were made up of a gas that could instantly kill commoners. 

When he had visited Jupiter, Lu Yin had not been able to enter no matter what he attempted.
Thus, this time, it was Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue’s turn to make an attempt.
However, the two were pulled into the planet without any effort from themselves. 

Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue had not expected to be pulled into Jupiter like this.
In fact, they were so unprepared that they did not even have the ability to resist.
Both of them vanished just like that. 

If Lu Yin learned of this, he would be very frustrated.
He had tried all sorts of methods to access the planet, but these two had entered it so simply.


Lu Yin received news of this incident a few days later, and he watched a video of the scene on his gadget.
He pursed his lips; what was with this difference in treatment? 

This video had been taken by one of the Great Yu Empire’s spacecraft that had been monitoring Jupiter, and it showed the precise moment when Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue had been pulled into Jupiter. 

No matter what, the two of them had managed to enter the planet.
However, Lu Yin had heard that once someone entered, they would never be allowed to leave. 

Lu Yin immediately ordered another five vessels to monitor Jupiter so that all angles of the planet would be constantly watched.
They were also all ordered to immediately report to him if anyone emerged from the planet. 

When he checked the date, Lu Yin saw that it had been a month since he had left the Daosource Sect ’s ruins, which meant that it was time to return once again. 

The Zi family’s intelligence database was as vast as an ocean, and he could not possibly peruse their entire bank. 

Lu Yin left the library, and he did not even inform his hosts of his departure.

Although he had saved the Zi family, he was well aware that they did not welcome him.
But he did not mind either, as he simply wanted to use them. 

Speaking of which, the Zi family was one of the Outerverse’s four great conglomerates.
Just how much money were his shares worth? Lu Yin held rather high expectations. 

Right, there was also Aegis. 

Lu Yin left Skylush Planet and looked through the star chart of the surrounding area.
He was planning to find a remote place and then enter the Daosource Sect ’s ruins there.
His spacecraft flew through space for a period of time as Lu Yin scanned the horizon.
Suddenly, his gaze trembled as a boundless amount of rune lines appeared in the distance. 

Lu Yin frowned, and he stared closely at the desolate planet that had appeared in the distance.

There was something strange with the rune lines that he was seeing, as there should not be anyone on that desolate planet.
However, there were countless rune lines on it at the moment.
They revealed the presence of not just one, but three people, and all of them were at the level of an Enlighter. 

Lu Yin’s gaze grew sharp, and he exited his spacecraft before donning his universal armor.
After that, his figure vanished. 

There was a massive maelstrom blocking the way, but Lu Yin easily passed through it to land on the surface of the planet.
He was greeted by a dusky glow that extended in all directions, but the ground was white.
The only sound that greeted him was the lonely wind breeze. 

The three massive clusters of rune lines were gathered together, but Lu Yin used his cloakstone to conceal his aura as he approached them.
Before long, he saw three humans sitting at the base of a dusky mountain.
There was one older person and two middle-aged people. 

The trio did not speak, and they seemed to be resting. 

Lu Yin waited for half a day, but the three people did not even open their eyes.

Once a cultivator entered a state of cultivation, it would be normal for them to not move for a few days, months, years, or even centuries and millennia.
However, Lu Yin did not want to waste that much time here. 

Still, the presence of these three Enlighters was just too odd.
Aside from the border’s defensive line, where else could three Enlighters be seen together? Even the Neo-Vestige Sect only had three Enlighters. 

Also, the location of this planet was coincidentally right along Lu Yin’s return route to Frostwave Weave.
Most likely, when he had come to Skylush Planet, these three people had not been here since he would have noticed them then. 

After thinking about it, Lu Yin came up with a theory.
He then decided to test it out by using his gadget to send a message to Zi Xianxian, letting her know that he had left the Zi family’s homeworld. 

Less than two minutes later, the gadgets of the three people beeped, and they all opened their eyes in unison.
“He’s out.
Get ready.” 

“He’s killed Enlighters before, so the three of us need to attack him at once.
Otherwise, there will be no end to our trouble.”

“Rumor has it that he has too many external items, so the three of us cannot act too brazenly.
We must control him from the dark.
Brother Ye, it’ll be up to you.” 

Of the trio, the elder spoke in an awe-inspiring tone.
“Rest assured, he will have no opportunity to use his items.
As soon as I see him, he won’t be able to move.” 

Lu Yin let out a breath.
Sure enough, these three people had been lying in wait for him.
Someone from the Zi family had betrayed him, and he did not even know if it had been Zi Xianxian.
Even if it wasn’t her, the traitor had to be someone within the upper echelons of the Zi family who had immediately learned of Lu Yin’s situation through Zi Xianxian. 

He picked up a stone and fiercely threw it down.

The trio below him were startled by the noise, and they whirled around to see a stone turn to dust just a meter away from them.
“Who’s there?”

Lu Yin stepped forward.
“Are you three seniors waiting for me?”

The trio was stunned.
“H- how did you get here?”

Lu Yin’s gaze swept over them.
“Three Enlighters were sent out to ambush an Explorer.
I’m quite flattered.” 

The trio exchanged glances, and the old person suddenly stared at Lu Yin.
A formless chain appeared from the void and moved to bind Lu Yin’s limbs, even locking the air in place as it firmly bound Lu Yin.

Fierce attacks rained down upon the youth, and the desolate planet instantly began to crack before exploding from the pressure.

Even Explorers were capable of destroying planets, so it went without saying that Enlighters were able to do the same. 

Even the space surrounding the shattered planet began to tremble.

Lu Yin was being struck like a dummy target that had no ability to retaliate.
The old man’s innate gift was very strange, and such an innate gift could force a normal cultivator into desperate straits.
However, Lu Yin was no average person.
He had already put on his universal armor and was simply too lazy to evade these attacks.
In truth, when the elder had used his innate gift, Lu Yin had been observing the rune lines in the surroundings, and it would have been trivial for him to avoid the attack.

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