ith my own hands.”


Behind Raymond, Verdic roughly grabbed him by the shoulder.
However, no matter how much Verdic tried to pull Raymond away, the young man’s trained body did not move a single inch.

With his infuriated gaze looking straight at only Dullan, Raymond spoke.

“Just because she’s the woman who threw you away, are you thinking that it’s alright to let her die?”

“Le…Let go, Sir Knight.”


Raymond said nothing more.
Instead, his hand went straight for Dullan’s neck.

Then, Ignoring Verdic to the very end, Raymond dragged Dullan out of the room just like that.

“What the hell are you doing right now?!”


“Shut up.


“L-Let go.”

The servants around them were in a flurry as the door slammed open, but they could not stop Raymond.

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Before leaving the room, Raymond looked behind him once and glared at Verdic.

“Mister Verdic.”


“I’ve returned more than triple of my debt to you.
And even after Miss Isella was reduced to that state, I held my end of the contract.”

“…Ha, right now, just take a look at what you’re doing to me.”

“Carynne Evans is now your daughter and my fiancée.
Do respect this.”

“My daughter is…!”

“I trust that you know.”

And when the two young men left through the door, Verdic remained alone in that room.

“…How dare.”

Fuming, Verdic’s anger couldn’t be contained.
Blood rushed up and blurred his vision.
Even until the very end, Raymond looked down on him.

How dare.
How dare you, when you’re merely a defective product that I bought for my daughter.
That defective product is looking down on me right now.
How dare! Raymond, that goddamn scoundrel!

Up until now, Verdic had extended so much grace to Raymond, and yet.

“How dare you, to me…”

Verdic clenched his hands into fists.
His breaths were rough.
Around him, the mess that was his room was straightened up.

Raymond Saytes did not know just what Verdic was capable of just yet.
Verdic had lost in any business deal.
Raymond would have to return everything that he had ever received from Verdic.

His wealth, his love, even his life.


* * *


“…It’s just a case of a-acute shock.”

After Raymond forcefully dragged Dullan out and led him to Carynne’s sickbed, the priest had no choice but to examine her.
If Raymond had seen even the slightest hint of resistance in Dullan, he would have resorted to violence.
However, he didn’t need to.
Dullan slowly and carefully treated Carynne, and he got up only after disinfecting and bandaging the wounds on her back.

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“Why have you come to that conclusion?”

“I b-believe she… took the w-wrong medicine.”

While standing by Carynne’s bed, Dullan explained to Raymond.

“From n-now on, I’ll make… s-sure that she won’t nurse I-Isella Evans any…more.
Because… she’s n-not getting the right medication.”

In the end, this situation became fortunate for Carynne.
Raymond glanced down at her.
After Dullan gave her an injection, color immediately returned to her complexion and she started breathing more comfortably.

In Raymond’s perspective, Carynne had too much work on her plate.
She was doing physical labor during the day, then she had to attend social gatherings at night.
On top of it all, she was even whipped.
How could she not go a little mad from that.

While thinking that it would be better to take her to another doctor for a second opinion, Raymond let out a sigh.
He chose the wrong woman.
As she slept like this, she looked her age.
All this time, to him, it felt as if she was an unfathomable being.



After the examination was finished, awkwardness filled the silence.
Raymond disliked being caught up.
If someone had a problem, wasn’t it up to them to solve it? Rather than this, he would have been more comfortable challenging the other man to a duel while saying, How dare you, towards my woman!

‘But the outcome is so obvious that there’s no need.’

If his opponent was Dullan, Raymond wouldn’t even need to pull out a gun.
Moreover, it felt a bit shameful and awkward to be rivals at love with Dullan.

“Reverend Dullan.”


Whenever Carynne talked about Verdic in front of Raymond, all that left her lips was her anger—her resentment—against the man.
On the other hand, she said not a word about Dullan.
Dullan was even staying here at the Evans mansion as Isella’s guest, and yet he and Carynne never sought to meet each other.
They just maintained that awkward relationship.

“Reverend Dullan, towards Carynne Evans, do you… Mm, well.
Do you love her? Ah, I mean… Um… Do you hate me?”


Dullan remained silent.
Raymond sighed.
Did they need to duke it out in a duel after all?

“I believe we share an alliance.
I respect Carynne Evans.
That’s why please don’t hate her.
She’s the one who’ll decide who she’ll love, and I won’t interfere.
I hope you’ll do the same, Reverend.”

After everything’s done and over with, that’s when she’ll choose.
Truly, Raymond had no intention of getting caught up any more than this.

“…Sir Raymond.
You’re a good man.”

Dullan answered as though he was chewing on the words.
So many things could be read from his expression.

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