

A Long time ago, Back in the early centuries; there is said to have existed special kinds of animals

Animals that could shift between three forms; like protector forms, and Insane forms.

Special kind of animals that could understand the human language.

Its said that some humans even had a special enough bond to control these Insane forms, So that destruction wouldn come to our world.

No one listened to these warnings that would come if they banished the creatures, as said nobody listens.

Both humans and animals were forced to separate, and to never trespass into any of their worlds.

The humans never listened as they were upset on these creatures being superior. Animals were hunted on that day, as some were even taken in for experiments.


”Daddy, When is Mommy coming back; its been forever since weve both seen her. ” A young cub looks up at his father and asks, the father looks down at the cub and sighs.

”Look up at the starts for me son, She is up there right now looking down on us. You probably don understand but it is true ”

The young cub shakes his head, he indeed didn understand. His Mother was a star thats pretty to look at?

”There is only one thing that you need to know when you are out there, watch for humans as they completely despise us. ” The young cub nods as he lets out a big yawn.

The father wraps himself around his son, ”Tomorrow we shall try again, Im sure your ability will come soon. ”

That was the last thing the young cub heard his father say as the darkness slowly consumed him into a deep sleep.


As morning peeks both of the wolves get up and walk out of their den.

Looking around it seemed that they were the last to awaken.

The young cub could see the other Cubs playing with each other or showing off their cool abilities.

Sometimes the young cub wishes he had an ability, he was told that he shouldve had it by now and that hes probably t

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