g looked at Zhong Jiajia and the man in white holding hands and couldn’t help feeling extremely annoyed.
“Isn’t that obvious? She must have cheated on you behind your back!” Mrs.
Lin said angrily.
Lin Kedong frowned and his expression was a bit ugly.
However, he wasn’t as angry as before and wanted to hit someone.
Zhong Jiajia looked at Mrs.
Lin mockingly as if she had heard a joke.
“You’re talking about your son, right? Not only did your son cheat on his wife, but he also kidnapped her to pay off his debt.
Scumbags like him should die! Why is Sister Feifei the one who died and not your son? Your son is the one who should die!
Zhong Jiajia was almost screaming as she said all that.
Many onlookers around couldn’t help discussing after hearing what she said.
Some even pointed at the Lin family.
“W-What are you talking about? Don’t forget that you’re still pregnant with my son’s child!” Mrs.
Lin said in exasperation.
“Your son’s child? Are you dreaming?” Zhong Jiajia sneered.
“I’ll tell you clearly now that the child in my stomach isn’t Lin Kedong’s at all, but my boyfriend’s.
I’ve never slept with Lin Kedong at all.
I only approached him to bring him, the scumbag who killed Sister Feifei, to justice.
Oh right, you probably don’t know yet, right? I’m an orphan like Sister Feifei.
Sister Feifei sponsored me to study and even helped me a lot.
To me, Sister Feifei is my only family.
She’s my sister.
But not only did my sister not suffer from the Lin family for three years, but she was also killed by the Lin family.
The Lin family has committed so many sins.
Aren’t you afraid of retribution?”
Suddenly, Zhong Jiajia seemed to have thought of something and she chuckled, but there were tears in her eyes.
“No, your Lin family has already suffered retribution.”
Thank you for reading on myboxnovel.com
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