MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 553: Biggest crisis since establishment

a cave and everything changed.

There were many powerful people in that cave and there was an actual teleportation array built there , having rhodium crystal far bigger than our own , my estimate is that it can teleportat 10,000 people at once!

When i realized that he had access to such a resource i paid more attention to him and his movements , as when he reappeared on the other side of the teleportation array , there was a HUGE military camp , 10 million atleast and strong ones at that.

However even then i did not Panick , i continued to watch on , however then the guy went onto the biggest tent in the camp , which i assume would be the leaders and met a hideously scar faced man there , looking at whom intimidated me from a gazillion miles away!

Even then i braved through and watched on like i was supposed to , however then i saw them talking over what looked like a map of Purplehaze city , as there were small army soldier figurenes placed on the map.

THEY WERE DISCUSSING WAR STRATEGY , there ’s no doubt about it , a war is coming …. ”.

Amelia said everything she had to say as she gasped for air as Rudra had a deep frown forming on his face.

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