mad? ” people whispered.

”Y/N.. Please explain this. ” the Principal demanded. ”Oh.. Ok. Ok. ” you say trying to control your laughter. ”That is my brother.. And I have no plans for dating in school.. In fact I plan on remaining single for the rest of my life.. ” you declare. The girl then says, ”I don believe that shit! Give me proof! ”

”Should I go call my brother here? His name is —-. ” you ask. ”Ok.. Go ahead. ” the Principal allowed. You get down from the stage and go to call your brother.

-Your brother-

-1 year younger than you

-Taller than you and hence people mistake him as you boyfriend or smaller brother.

-A confident and annoying fellow

-Also popular in his grade.


After a few minutes, you finally came back with him. ”Here.. Ask him whatever you want to.. ” you say pulling him on the stage. ”What is this man? ” he asks you. ”Why does this shit always come to me? ” he says getting frustrated. ”Sorry… Blame that girl for calling you my boyfriend. ” you say. ”Yuck! ” he exclaims.

After clarifying that he was indeed your brother, you exit the hall with him. ”See.. Told you. None of the students have any dirt on me.. ” you say happily. ”They don but I do.. A lot of it.. ” he says smiling. ”You just have that one thing.. ” you says thinking about a embarrassing incident. ”I have one more other than that. ” he said smirking. ”What.. Which one? ” you ask getting scared. ”I won tell! ” he says starting to run. You start chasing him around.

After school:

”We are home! ” you both shout. ”Welcome back! How was school? ” your mother asks stepping out of the kitchen. ”Fine.. I just got the trophy for the Sports clusters. ” you say. ”Wow! Y/N, another trophy added to your collection, huh? ” she exclaims. Just then your dad walks in the living room and asks, ”Did you tell them about it? ” ”No.. Not yet.. ” your mother says.

”About what? ” you both ask curiously. ”Come first.. Sit down. ” she instructs. After sitting down, she starts, ”We are shifting to Japan.. ” ”I got a transfer.. They are offering a large amount of money.. ” your father continues. ”Hmm.. When are we leaving? ” you ask. ”Next month.. So we have to start packing.. ” your mother informs sighing.

”Ok.. ” you say and start walking to your room. Your brother seems to be confused and runs behind you and asks, ”How are you so calm about this?? ” ”I don know.. ” you answer. ”Aren you sad? We have to leave our friends and memories of this house.. ” he says looking down. ”There is still a month left.. Enjoy that and leave the tears for the last. ” you say and close your bedroom door. He just stands there for a while and then goes in his room too.

After that you go out to have dinner and eat a lot of new stuff. It was a tendency of your family to try something new all the time. On the way back home, you stop for ice-cream as it was quite a hot day. Upon returning home, you go to bed and fall asleep instantly.


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