“Yes. Its a rare ability. Can you explain it to us?”

“Is that so? Its actually pretty simple.”

Chloe raised the teacup and continued.

“As you two know, I can see the energy of the other person with my own eyes. To be honest, when I first met Talented Han Yi-gyeol, I used my ability to check your energy. It was the same when I met Healer Min Ah-rin earlier.”

“Are you able to use your ability so quickly?”

“The fewer restrictions you have on using your ability, the higher your rank is. I have no side effects or limitations according to the SS-rank.”

A sparkling powder of light passed through Chloes bright smile. It made me realize that Chloe was using her ability. The light I saw when I met her at the airport wasnt an illusion.

“Every person is different, from the colour to the size of their energy. Just as no one is perfectly alike, neither does the energy. Its also possible to distinguish people by energy.”

“Colour and size… then can you see the colour of my energy?”

Min Ah-rin, who was listening to her explanation with a face full of interest, actively asked questions. As if Min Ah-rin was cute, Chloe answered with a soft voice.

“Sure. Healer Min Ah-rin is a very warm and soft amber colour like the air of a spring day. Its much bigger than A-rank healers.”

Since I had experience receiving the healing power of a healer other than Min Ah-rin, Chloes words resonated with him.

“Certainly, Healer Min Ah-rins ability is great.”

“Thats right.”

As Park Geon-ho and I spoke one word at a time, Min Ah-rin dyed her cheeks red with shyness and stroked the ends of her hair.

“I told Team Leader Park Geon-ho before that his energy is a very strong and vivid sky blue. Secretary Woo Seo-hyuk is green, reminiscent of a midsummer forest… Talented Han Yi-gyeols ability. You are dark blue. Its closer to indigo.”

Chloe put down the empty teacup and blinked as she looked at me.

“Actually, I thought a lighter colour would suit you. Its still not bad either.”

It was only then that I got a sense of how Chloe identified a persons energy. Is the energy of Han Yi-gyeol dark blue? It seemed to fit him.

Actually, there was one person who was more curious than Han Yi-gyeol or the others. However, it wasnt easy to ask. Chloe frowned with a playful expression at the sight of me in conflict with only my lips twitching.

“Talented Han Yi-gyeol.”

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