Although she believed that he could do anything and if he said that he could do it, then he definitely could.
This bet… Su Bei looked at Lu Heting.
Lu Heting said calmly, “Su Bei is not a reward for a bet.
I won’t use her as a bet.”
Old Master Tang was very satisfied with these words.
To Ou Huanwei, Lu Heting was admitting defeat.
She smiled and said, “Then forget it.
Our Jinghao is a master of chess.
He even participated in the national championship.
Even if he wins, it’d be unfair.”
Lose? That was impossible.
Lu Heting looked at Du Jinghao and said, “There’s no need for Su Bei to be the bet, then.
Let’s use ourselves as the bet.
Whoever loses will not be able to see Su Bei again.
If the loser ever meets Su Bei by chance, he has to avoid her!”
Everyone was shocked.
Old Master Tang stood up.
Lu Heting’s bet was too big.
The loser would have to stop seeing Su Bei and even avoid her.
If Lu Heting lost, it meant that he would have to leave Su Bei forever!
He actually made such a bet just to get rid of a competitor.
He was overbearing!
Furthermore, Lu Heting had just learned how to play chess while Du Jinghao was already comparable to the national champion.
Even if the two of them were evenly matched, no one could guarantee that Lu Heting would win.
Lu Heting’s move was both impulsive and risky!
Ou Huanwei thought to herself, ‘This Lu Heting really can’t keep his cool.
He just looks cocky? He really doesn’t have any masculinity.’
‘What’s going on with Lu Heting?” Tang Yue thought to herself.
‘Isn’t he being too reckless? He’s going to lose..
What if he loses? I can’t let Du Jinghao be with Su Bei!”
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