o entertain him.
This whole day, her mood had risen and fallen several times, as if she was riding a roller coaster.
She had no energy left to put up a strong front anymore.
She laughed and shook her head, lifting the corners of her red lips.
“Gun Gun, you should go back to your daddy.”
“No, I won’t! I want Bei Bei! Daddy is too fierce.
I don’t like him.
I want Bei Bei!” Gun Gun refused to let go of her.
Lu!” Su Bei walked over and handed him to Lu Heting, who had been standing aside and watching the two of them.
As Lu Heting took over the crying Gun Gun, he said in a low voice, “I’m sorry, Su Bei.”
“It’s okay.” With a faint smile on her lips, Su Bei turned around and strode away.
On the way back to Lu Hu International Villa, Gun Gun kept rolling around in the back seat.
“I want Bei Bei! I don’t want to go home.
Argh, I’m so angry!”
“Is she the girl you met last time?” Lu Heting asked with a helpless sigh.
He hadn’t told Su Bei about Gun Gun yet.
He hadn’t expected his son to show up suddenly.
“Yeah! But you didn’t keep your promise.
Last time, you promised me that I could marry Bei Bei, but you changed your mind and separated us today.
You broke your promise!”
Lu Heting dragged him out of the car and all the way to the living room.
Lu Weijian jumped up from the sofa and said, “Brother, how did Gun Gun piss you off? Whatever it is, don’t treat him like this!”
In fact, it would have been better if he had just stayed quiet, because his words only added fuel to the fire.
Lu Heting’s face darkened.
He directly took Gun Gun upstairs and put him down on the bed.
“Lu Gecheng, I’ll give you half an hour.
Can you calm down by then?”
“No, I want Bei Bei.
I just want Bei Bei…”
“Then I’ll only give you ten minutes!” Lu Heting brought over an alarm clock and set the timer.
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