Chapter 521: We’re Here To Mourn
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations
“I can’t do much for Su Bei.
She’s only 23 years old.
She’s supposed to be living her best years, but she… I still remember the first time I met her.
I deliberately made things difficult for her and suppressed her.
But in the end, we became friends.
She was the one who showed me that people could truly be kind.
She was also the one who made me understand what persistence and hard work are.
I thought that I could work with her for the rest of my life.
I can’t help but feel sad after losing such a friend.” Lv Shan lowered her head.
Yue Ze handed her a tissue.
Lv Shan’s hands were trembling.
She took the tissue, but she had difficulty controlling her emotions.
Yue Ze gently held her hand.
Lv Shan obviously didn’t notice his intimate actions, because at this moment, her mind was elsewhere.
Yue Ze held her hand for a while before letting go.
Then, he drove toward Su Bei’s house.
Su Bei was still busy in the kitchen with Lu Heting by her side.
Occasionally, he would help her take some things and pass her the ingredients as well.
Sometimes when he handed her something, he would hug her from behind without letting go.
When Su Bei heard the doorbell ring, she pushed him away and said, “Hubby, open the door.”
Lu Heting reluctantly let go of her and walked toward the door.
When he opened the door, he saw Yue Ze and Lv Shan standing outside.
They were both dressed in black, and their faces were full of sadness and regret.
Lu Heting frowned slightly.
“What is it?”
“We’re here to mourn…” Yue Ze said as he took off his glasses and bowed.
Lv Shan’s eyes were red.
Obviously, she had been crying.
“It was a misdiagnosis!” Lu Heting immediately understood what they were going on about and interrupted.
Needless to say, he had already guessed that this must be Lu Weijian’s doing as well.
Only he was so talkative.
Lu Weijian, who was sleeping at home, sneezed twice.
When he flipped over, he couldn’t go back to sleep anymore.
He seemed to have a bad premonition.
Yue Ze and Lv Shan’s grief was still written all over their faces.
“If you’re referring to Su Bei, her gastric cancer was a misdiagnosis.
She went for another examination and received a report,” Lu Heting said.
Although he didn’t want to see Su Bei suffer, he still contacted another hospital for a second diagnosis.
Lv Shan’s face relaxed.
“I knew Su Bei would be fine!”
Yue Ze immediately looked embarrassed.
He put on his glasses and said apologetically, “I’m sorry.
I misunderstood.
When I called yesterday, I heard that Su Bei…”
“It’s okay,” Lu Heting said.
Yue Ze recalled the man’s voice on the phone yesterday.
He didn’t know who it was, but the man was crying so hard that his words were unclear.
It was really embarrassing.
Far away in the Lu family’s house, Lu Weijian sneezed again.
“Who is it?” Su Bei asked from the kitchen.
Yue Ze and Lv Shan looked at each other and took off their heavy black coats at the same time.
When Su Bei saw them, she smiled and said, “Come in and have a seat.
I’m making breakfast.
Let’s eat together.”
“No, thanks.
We’re just here to see you.” Lv Shan looked at Su Bei’s face carefully.
She didn’t have any makeup products on her face as she had just woken up..
Her hair was casually tied up, and her skin was so delicate that it almost looked fragile.
With such a complexion, how could she have gastric cancer?
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