hick contract in his hands, Lu Heting didn’t take the cup of coffee.
If he did, she would sit across from him to read the other contract after giving him coffee.
However, now she sat next to him, leaned over, and read the contract in his hand.
Her hair would occasionally fall down and gently brush his face.
Lu Heting could feel that Su Bei had always been avoiding him.
Perhaps five years ago, he was too arbitrary to get the marriage certificate.
So she had to accept the role of his wife at the age of eighteen.
Maybe it was because of Gun Gun’s existence that she always had some misgivings about their marriage.
So he tried his best to protect her.
He didn’t want her to feel insecure and leave him without thinking twice.
Since Lu Heting didn’t take the cup of coffee, Su Bei had to hold it.
“Su Bei…” He motioned to her that he wanted to drink the coffee.
Su Bei hurried forward and brought the cup to his mouth.
Lu Heting took a sip.
It was just the instant coffee in the hotel, but he felt like it was the best coffee he had ever tasted.
He smiled satisfyingly.
Seeing that he was busy, Su Bei had to hold the cup of coffee and let him take a sip from time to time.
After drinking up the coffee, Lu Heting also finished reading the contract.
He then said, “As the contract states, you are one of Jin Xiu’s brand ambassadors this year.
Now that Fan Yingfang has replaced you for no reason, the company needs to pay you twice your talent fee as liquidated damages.”
“That’s great then! Twice! Then I’d rather have her revoke my job and get the money than continue with the endorsement.” Su Bei calculated it.
If she was fine and healthy, of course, she would choose to be one of Jin Xiu’s brand ambassadors.
After all, it was a good chance for her to have a promising future.
But because of her illness, money was more important to her now.
Lu Heting looked at her slowly.
“Are you short of money?”
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