Soon, the weekends closed in and Huo Ran happily bid farewell to his extremely tormenting working days.
Although he hated the social activities that Huo Zhendong arranged for him, if he really had to choose between going to work and socialising…Oh forget it, he would rather choose death.
Coming to the company every morning, Huo Ran not only had to face the untouched flowers in the reception room but also Jiang Nansheng, the assistant who had nothing but adoration for him written on his face.
Yes, his male assistant liked him too.
Unlike Xia Xingxi, Jiang Nansheng didn’t do anything excessive as he concentrated on fulfilling his responsibilities very dutifully.
However, his facial expressions always conveyed the message, I like you and I will very much be elated if you spare me just a glance…
Huo Ran couldn’t even say a single word of rejection towards the man.
Since Jiang Nansheng ultimately hadn’t confessed his feelings, Huo Ran wasn’t able to resolutely change his assistant.
After all, he felt that it wasn’t a sin to fall in love with someone.
At any rate, since he was going on a business trip to Jinbei City next week, Huo Ran didn’t want to bring this assistant that always blushed at the sight of him.
Nevertheless, considering that Huo Zhendong had actual tasks assigned to him, and regarding trivial matters such as collecting information on exhibiting projects, arranging schedules and booking hotels, it would be more of an efficient progress if he were to have an assistant.
Therefore, despite his reluctance, Huo Ran nonchalantly told Jiang Nansheng to wear a mask and accompany him.
Hearing this, Jiang Nansheng’s face looked as if it immediately caught fire, turning red in the blink of an eye, “Thank you, Sir Huo, for your concern.
I have pollen allergies, so it’s true that I definitely should wear a mask, but I didn’t expect that Sir Huo would notice my condition.”
Huo Ran, “…”
Huo Ran felt like he should also wear a mask.
Otherwise, he might not be able to maintain his facade of calm expressions.
The troubles brought by Xia Xingxi came to an end and the flower-sending madman could temporarily be avoided while he was on his business trip.
Regarding Jiang Nansheng, Huo Ran hadn’t figured out how to talk to Doctor Tao about him.
But for a brief moment, he felt like there didn’t seem to be many topics of conversation between him and the doctor.
How would Doctor Tao spend the weekends off?
After thinking about it for a long time, even the friends who were playing around with Huo Ran noticed that his mind was occupied.
They stopped to ask him if something happened.
Huo Ran blurted out, “What do you usually do on weekends?”
The friend seemed to express his confusion, staring at Huo Ran as if he was mental as he dribbled the basketball in his hand vigorously, “Play!”
“…” Huo Ran palely explained, “No, uh, I’m not asking you.”
His friend took a sharp step back, looking into the air in front of him in horror.
Huo Ran struggled for a while and apologised to his friend honestly, saying that he was out of shape today and stopped playing.
For the first time, he really felt that it was troublesome to be unable to access the PP app from his antique phone.
No longer in the mood for basketball, Huo Ran decided to go home and read a book.
After all, he hadn’t relaxed with a book for a long time.
…and then he switched on the computer along the way to see if anyone was looking for him.
Huo Ran got home and took a shower and rushed to the study impatiently, his hair wet and dripping
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