versation was going on satisfactorily as Jung Hayeon cut to the chase while Elisha’s head bowed lower.
She had no words, and I could see that Jung Hayeon was doing quite well.


“Do you have anything more to say?”



Elisha’s voice shook, but she spoke up loudly like she had made a big decision.


“I…am the only descendant of the kingdom who has managed to escape and hold all rights to Eveluse.
I am embarrassed to say this, but my body has value.
I will serve you for the rest of my life if you help…”


I was not surprised at the way things were going, and Elisha now looked at me.
To think that her body held that much value alluded to her pride.
While she was beautiful, it was not enough for me to move my troops.

Jung Hayeon was gauging whether I liked Elisha, as she would agree to this unbelievable condition if I nodded.
However, I left the decision to her, and she seemed in a bad mood.

Elisha was beautiful, at least to me, and Jung Hayeon seemed worried that I would pay less attention to her.
As I was spending more time with Mev recently, she would not welcome another addition.
She shook her head as she spoke to Elisha.


“Your body does not hold any value.
You have to prove your own value, not your value as a princess.
Even if you did, I doubt it would be enough.”

“We’re not idiots and already know your kingdom’s situation from the prisoners.
It seems that Eveluse is almost ruined despite its history.
How can we trust you when you have already kept this from us?”


Elisha paled again from Jung Hayeon’s words, and the Alaune kept on speaking in an aggressive tone.


“There is an option.
Give us the entire country.”


“Your entire kingdom.
You have no place there.
When things are over, only a thousand, including yourself, can remain.
Other elves would have to leave the city.
The remaining thousand will live for the Blood Dagger Clan.
We will decide when to take back Eveluse, and you will remain our prisoner.
Those are the only conditions we will agree to.”


The conditions were harsh.
We had no reason to agree to this alliance, as we would go out to other regions in the future regardless of the decision made here.

Eveluse would be a bridge to places we may go after we finish some remaining agendas here.
It may be better for us if Elisha refused as we would strike anyway, and Jung Hayeon seemed to want Elisha to refuse.
That was why her conditions were so harsh.

Jung Hayeon looked like starting afresh seemed a better idea.
Still, my personal opinion was that it would be better if the elf agreed.

Enough time passed for me to think that Elisha would refuse, as agreeing to this offer was like selling her country.
However, she seemed to think that it was a better choice than to live under mind control.


“I agree.”

I did not know how she would be remembered in elf history, but she would be either a savior or an elf who sold out her own country.

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