God Emperor

Chapter 544: The Black Skeleton Flood Dragon King

”How did you know about that period of history? ”

Zhang Ruochen was surprised and stared at Orange Star Emissary. Zhang Ruochen did not expect that she was this knowledgeable.

After all, it ’s been 800 years, and that was a long time ago. Aside from people who were particularly concerned about that period of history, no one knew that Emperor Ming ’s son was named Zhang Ruochen. Especially because he wasn ’t an esteemed master, just a 24-year-old young genius.

Zhang Ruochen ’s surprised expression confirmed Orange Star Emissary ’s suspicions. She immediately said, ”Do you have a connection with the Sacred Crown Prince 800 years ago? ”

The Sacred Crown Prince she was referring to was Zhang Ruochen—the Crown Prince of Emperor Ming.

At first, Orange Star Emissary could not believe that Zhang Ruochen had anything to do with the man 800 years ago.

However, when she thought of Zhang Ruochen ’s ability to control space, she started to have an inkling.

What if he was the man from 800 years ago?

If Zhang Ruochen was indeed the man from 800 years ago, she will be loyal to him no matter what.

Particularly because Orange Star Emissary ’s family members were once courtiers of the Sacred Central Empire.

Her ancestors were once the Third Ducal Ministers in the whole Sacred Central Empire. They had the power to lead 10,000 people and only be below one.

However, her family suffered similar misfortune like Saint Huo Villa, so her family had no choice but to hide in the Black Market.

Zhang Ruochen couldn ’t give away his secret to Orange Star Emissary and said, ”How would that be possible? I just happen to have the same name as him. ”

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