e golden field of wheat and darted around.
They kept peeking their heads up from between the grains and teased the seeker. 

That looks fun…….
I want to play hide-and-seek with the fairies too…….
I want to hug the fairies and lay down…….

Despite all this hard work, I only managed to harvest one-fourth of the entire field.

“Ah, at least nine more hours.”

This hopeless number glimmered before my eyes.

I can’t do anything more today.
Even if I wanted to work, I can’t do anything with my back like this.
I’ll probably die from muscle cramps tomorrow as well.
I declared that I would finish this within a day, but it was actually going to take around three or four days.

“See? What did I say, veteran farmer? Kekeke.”

I could clearly picture Parsi taunting me in my mind.
This bastard.
I doted on him because he was a little smart, but now he was trying to crawl on top of my head.
I’ll have to flatten that nose of his one day…….
He’s probably going to get even more elated.

“Your Lordship? What are you doing on the ground?”

I heard a voice.
I turned my back and saw Laura standing there.
She was like a young lady drawn by a certain painter from the Netherlands as she was wearing yellow-colored commoner clothes.

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Laura possessed three types of clothing.  One of them was dresses.
Her main dress was the one she was wearing when I abducted her, so it was one that had a noble charm.
I had also bought her several other dresses as a gift.
The other outfit she had was a black military uniform that I made her wear when we were fighting for the Crescent Alliance.

The last type of clothing she had was a commoner outfit.
Once Laura and I started to reside in the vacation house that was built in the village, the women of the village sewed an outfit using precious materials.
‘We embedded the most beautiful symbols that had been passed down for generations in our village.’, this was what they told us.

Although it was doubtful that something made in a mountain village could be luxurious, it was clearly created with much sincerity.
It was an orange outfit with white patterns, but it really suited Laura’s blonde hair.
Laura was incredibly delighted as she received their gift.

‘This young lady must be the only girl in the world to receive such an amazing gift!’

Ever since that day, Laura wore the commoner outfit the most.
She was even wearing it now.
Mm, she honestly seemed happier than when I gifted her those other dresses…….
Women are difficult and Laura is the most complex out of them all.

A girl’s mind is comparable to the German language.
I don’t understand it at all.

“I was taking in the feeling of the earth.”

“The feeling of the earth……? Is there a gnome there?”

“Everything that humans eat on a daily basis is gifted to them by the earth.
I always live my life showing the earth my gratitude.
I do this with my body.”

Laura tilted her head.

“I never knew that Your Lordship worshipped the Goddess Demeter.
Your piety is also important, but how about eating some lunch first?”

I have been waiting.”

Laura was holding a basket in her arms.
She’s been bringing me a light meal for lunch every day.
I groaned as I pushed myself up.

Today’s lunch was sandwiches.
It wasn’t the triangle sandwiches with pure-white bread that I would often eat in my original world.
It was wheat bread sandwiches with bacon and vegetables squeezed between the slices of bread.
Laura wasn’t exactly good at cooking, so she would often make meals that used simple ingredients.

Lunch after a hard day of work tasted the best.

“This is delicious! You did amazing, Laura.”

……I am happy if Your Lordship is happy.”

Laura smiled gently.

Laura’s smile looked utterly beautiful in times like this.

Laura handed me a canteen of water the instant some wheat bread got caught in my throat even slightly.
I gulped the water down.
Did she just get this water from the well? The refreshing water flowed down my throat and cooled off my body that had gotten cooked under the sun.
How refreshing!

I got up once I finished my meal.
I was revitalized.

“Ow, ow ow.”

Even if I can’t do it all in one day, I should finish the harvest in at least 2 days.
If I don’t, then Parsi will probably mock me about it.

Laura spoke.

“Does your back hurt, Your Lordship?”

“Harvesting wheat is a lot more difficult than I expected.

Were you cutting the wheat with that sickle?”

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I nodded my head.

“To think you would intentionally choose the hard path.
This young lady thought that Your Lordship was a hopeless slob all this time, but it seems this young lady was wrong.
Your Lordship truly intends to learn the feelings of farmers.”

I tilted my head.

“Thank you for the compliment, but I am not sure what you mean.”

“Would you not be able to cut the wheat with ease if you used the fairies? Despite this, Your Lordship chose to go through hardship, so this young lady is in awe by your determination again.”


“How would I use the fairies? Their arms are too weak to even hold a sickle.”

“……Lord, have you forgotten about magic? Could you not cut everything all at once with wind blades?”


I turned my head.
The fairies were still playing hide and seek in the field.
I quietly gave them an order in my mind.

‘Fire a volley.’

The fairies lifted their heads promptly.
They then fluttered their wings as they gathered at a corner of the field.
Once they were all grouped up, they matched each other’s movement as they fired a wind cutter.
A transparent blade cut through the wheat as it swiftly flew through the air.
With a single cast of magic, one-third of the field was dealt with.


I grabbed my head and screamed.
Why didn’t I think of this sooner!?

– Kyarururu.

Even though I was lamenting pitifully, the fairies flew over and started to giggle.
I must look funny to them.
Damn it, don’t pull on my hair.
Don’t get on my back either.
This is just making me look more pathetic!

Laura muttered in a dumbfounded tone.

“Do not tell me you did not think of this? Your Lordship really is…….
You are smart at some times, but an absolute idiot at other times.
Well, I was wondering why Your Lordship was working so hard.”

“My back, my three hours of blood and sweat!”

Laura snorted.

“If your head is bad, then your body will suffer.
I recall this being your favorite saying.”

What a smartass.

This is why geniuses are annoying!


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter.
This took it a bit longer than usual since my editor has not been getting a lot of sleep lately.
I swear it’s not my fault. I forgot to mention this before, but I mistranslated the amount of money Sitri was going to lend Dantalian.
It was 1,000,000 gold and not 100,000 gold.
Off by a 0.
I struggle with numbers sometimes because Korea has a very awkward way of putting numbers into words.
Unlike English where you have thousand, million, billion being split as 1,000-1,000,000-1,000,000,000, Korean has 천, 만, 억 which is 1,000-10,000-10,000,000.
The numbers don’t have any sort of pattern between them unlike the English version which does a new word with each additional 3 digits, so it takes me a solid bit to figure out the number sometimes when reading Korean.
I might make this mistake again later, so please be understanding.
I make mistakes when I try to translate at a decent pace.

In any case, the next chapter will probably be out soon.
I’ll see you guys then.

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