after taking several exclusive prescribed medicines from the clinic, the effects and recovery were very quick to show.
It could say that as long as they had the medicines, they would be alright. 

So, within several months, the Qing Yang Clinic’s reputation had been spread all over Fan Luo City. 

It also kept Yang Jing Zhi and Qing Lan so busy their feet didn’t touch the ground.  puretl.
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“Sister, it’s the first time I can lie on the bed and relax after the whole three days.
Do you have any emergency to force me to wake up at this time?” Yang Jing Zhi yawned and complained. 

“That’s why you look so thin! I’ll tell the chef to brew some nutritious soups for you two.” 

“No need.
Just let me have a full sleep and everything’s gonna be alright.” 

“Is it so… Jing Zhi, I want to ask you something.
If you know, you must answer me sincerely.
Do you know anything that has happened to Ying Yun these days? I didn’t see her coming to Fan Hua Town but staying busy in the embroidery house.
I wasn’t even given a chance to see and ask her a question, it’s just too unbelievable!” 

As Jiang Ying Yue could see that Yang Jing Zhi was exhausted, she didn’t go around the bush but directly expressed her intentions. 

“Ah… It could be because of a man.
But I don’t know the details.
I come to Fan Hua Town once a month, but the villagers have always kept me inside the clinic.
I don’t have time to go around and listen to gossip.
Ok, Sister, I’m so sleepy, I’m about to pass out.
I’m going to sleep now.
Qing Lan, please entertain my big sister for me…” 

Because of a man? That kid Ying Yun dared to hide things from her.
She did have a relationship with a man? But why didn't she introduce that man to Ying Yun? Or… it was just a one-sided love from her.
She had confessed her heart at the Mid-Autumn Festival but the man had rejected her.
That was why her mood before and after the time were so different?  

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With that doubt, Jiang Ying Yue came to Fan Hua Town, which was now Fan Hua Private Mansion, for the first time.
As she didn’t have anyone to guide the way and she didn’t know the entrance with the illusionary formation in front of the village, so she, Xiao Shi, and the luxurious carriage were stuck in the cherry blossom woods for an hour.
After Meng Qiao Zhi found them during his patrol, he saved them. 

“Madam, this is my Senior Aunt’s courtyard.
That’s Xin Lan, the first-grade maid of my aunt.
Miss Xin Lan!” Meng Qiao Zhi took Jiang Ying Yue to Su Shuilian’s house and he saw Xin Lan walking out of the main house. 

“A man?” Su Shuilian felt a little confused after listening to Jiang Ying Yue’s explanation.
She immediately came to the thought that at first, Jiang Ying Yun had some interest in Si Luo.
But nothing had happened between them.
Was Si Luo the man that had made Jing Ying Yun change greatly as sister Jiang had said? However, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Si Luo had left and he hadn’t returned yet.  puretl.
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“Shuilian, you know him, right? I just want to see him.
I won’t say anything weird.
No matter what, talking about marriage, both of them must have love.” 

“But… sister, I don’t know if I am right.
If it’s true… that man isn’t here now.
I don’t know when he will come back.” Su Shuilian explained with a reluctant face.
She didn’t really understand Si Luo.
She just knew that the man was a bit similar to A Yao.
To things or people he didn’t want to relate to, he would show his attitude clearly.
Except for A Yao, Si Tuo and Si Chong, the only other people that could approach him casually were the twins.
If a man like him really liked some girl, how would he react? 

Jiang Ying Yue went home with disappointment.
Su Shuilian supported her chin with one hand, sitting by the window, watching the houses being covered by snow.
Still, she could not figure it out.

Quite the contrary, when Lin Si Yao knew the reason why Jiang Ying Yue came, he threw an indifferent comment that made Su Shuilian jolt up.
“He’s running away.” 

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