Mu: “The inauspicious goal setting came true?” 

Xu Youyou: “It definitely came true”

At that moment, if it wasn’t for the fact that her face was frozen stiff, Xu Youyou would have laughed. 

Qiao Mu: “Say, since we are going to die here, this counts as ‘living in the same quilt, dying in the same grave (like a married couple)’ right?” **

Xu Youyou: “You said that so warmly, you like me?”

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Qiao Mu: “Yeah”

Xu Youyou: “……”

Qiao Mu: “So, in the next life, if I chase you, don’t reject me.”

After her rebirth, Xu Youyou never took these words seriously, after all who would have the heart to confess at a time like that? Besides, she and Qiao Mu meet ten years later, even if in this life they meet earlier it would have to be after four to five years.
So during this time, she never even thought about it. 


Facing the youth in the blue and white school uniform walking away, Xu Youyou couldn’t help but think about it. 

“Youyou” A warm hand carefully touched her forehead. 

Li Leyao watched as her daughter had no reaction after a while and worriedly walked over. 


“What’s wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

“No, I was just thinking about something.
You finished talking with the teacher?” Xu Youyou asked. 

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“We finished.” 

“Oh right.
Mom, what class am I in?”

“You weren’t listening earlier?”

Xu Youyou’s lips cracked open, revealing eight pearly white teeth.
She smiled innocently. 

Li Leyao speechlessly glanced at her daughter: “Grade 10, Class 18.”

“What a coincidence!” Xu Youyou had a look of surprise. 

“What is a coincidence?”


Li Leyao didn’t ask further: “I have to go back and watch the store, I’ll pick you up after school.
If you feel sick during class, you must tell the teacher or call me.” 

“Mom, have you ever seen a parent pick up their kid from high school?” Xu Youyou dumbfoundedly asked. 

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“You are unique.”

“You want the whole school to know I have a unique condition?” 

Li Leyao was stunned, teenagers were perceptive.
Xu Youyou’s condition was not suitable for everyone to know, otherwise she might get labeled as an outsider. 

“Fine, after school you can walk home by yourself.
Are you familiar with the roads?”


“Youyou’s mother, please come over” Teacher Song called them over from far away. 

The two turned and walked towards him. 

As they got closer, Xu Youyou’s line of sight could not help but move towards the youth.
Is this person really Qiao Mu? But other than their eyes being similar, the person’s entire body was different from the Qiao Mu in her memory.

———————-Translator’s Note ————————

* “立flag“ is internet slang which is about when someone says an inspiration sentence or sets a goal but ends up slapping their own face.
It similar to setting yourself up for failure.

** “生同衾死同穴” literally means “Live in the same quilt, die in the same grave” which is an idiom for a deep loving relationship between couples.

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