Be patient.”


I dislocated both of his limbs and bent him backward.
It wasn’t to the point where I broke his bones, but I knew that any movement would normally cause pain to him.
However, I was mistaken.

Ah Song could not feel any pain now.
He even tried to move that damaged body to get away from me.

“Stay still!”


I used my internal qi and cut off the thread that had sewn his eyes together.
As soon as I cut it, his closed eyes opened.


What was this?

The moment I saw his eyes, I was speechless.

-What is that? They look like corpse eyes.

Just like Short Sword said, his eyes were dilated as if they were the eyes of a dead person.
His vision could seem to never focus.
At first glance, it seemed like a hypnosis technique, but it felt different.

‘… his meridians are working, so why does it look like he is slumbering?’

Just what was that woman doing to these people?

Well, it would be hard to tell unless I looked closer.

‘Let us move for now.’

I escaped from there by tying up Ah Song’s whole body using silver string.

I needed to move him to a remote location away from people.
I then covered his mouth with a cloth and hid him out of sight.

Now I needed to help my father-in-law.

No matter how strong he was alone, would that woman be able to hold on if I joined him? Even if all I did was stand around as they fought, it should be enough to serve as a distraction.

Channg! Paaang!

As I returned to where they were dueling, a sharp wind blew past me.
The force of this wind flowed out without pushing me back.

It was a banquet of blows that made me realize just how much I lacked.

But isn’t it strange?


-Look at that old woman’s face.

Search for the original.

Amazed at their hand-to-hand combat, I shifted my sight to the woman’s face and…


What was that?

If I wasn’t seeing things, the woman now looked more like an old woman instead of a middle-aged woman.
Her wrinkles had increased, and her hair was gray.

It was as if she was aging rapidly, and I couldn’t guess why.

-Isn’t she at an age where she could die at any moment?

I was thinking so as well.

Judging from her expression, she seemed more relaxed than before.
However, looking at her condition, I thought this was a good chance.


I kicked up into the air and slashed Blood Demon Sword right in the center of their fight.

The moment I appeared in the middle of their clash, both of them noticed my presence.
There was an incredibly sensitive feeling.

Sima Chak’s frown seemed to be asking me what I was doing.
At that moment, I managed to come up with a good idea.

‘Let’s do something like this.’

I breathed a deep breath, concentrated all the qi into my throat, and exhaled everything.


A warrior who had reached beyond the level of humans could roar and cause internal wounds and rupture ears.
What would happen if I had also crossed the wall beyond the wall like them?


The old lady who had been fighting with Sima Chak had to cover her ears at this scream.
It worked!

If my prediction was correct, then this blind woman had focused her senses on her hearing.
Therefore, she wouldn’t hear this roar normally.

“ACKKKK! This brat!”

Cheol Su-ryun swung her cane in my direction.
The space trembled as dozens of enhanced qi shots flew at me at the same time.


‘Thousandfold Weight!’

I had expected her to attack me, so I changed the weight of my body using my qi.
I continued to roar even as I fell.


“Ack! T-this brat!”

She was so incensed and looked like she wanted to rip me to shreds.
At that moment, however…

Sima Chak didn’t miss his chance and released his sword.
The sound of the slash was mixed with my roar, and his sword would need to be closer to her before she would notice.

Yet, just as the sword was about to touch her, she tilted her body.


So she wasn’t just sensing it by sound.
Sword qi typically created a wave of air.

She sensed that and avoided the blow.




It did not matter if she noticed it.
It was the Wicked Moon Sword’s slash and was impossible to completely avoid.

Cheol Su-ryun’s arm was cut off.

Not missing this chance, Sima Chak changed his sword path and stabbed her sword right at the center of her chest.
This forced the old woman to defend herself, but Sima Chak refused to let up.

He moved like an eagle.

It was then.


Cheol Su-ryun turned around and threw away the corpse-like pale child that was with her with all her might.

It was as if she wanted the child to survive.

Did she not want a dead child to be hurt?


Sima Chak pierced his sword into her chest, using the gap created when she threw the child.

It pierced right through her heart, making her body tremble.
Sima Chak then said,

“You’ve lived for nearly 200 years now.
Just die, oldie.”

Two hundred years?

Were the rumors true, then?

I thought this was just another exaggerated rumor, but she really lived that long?


Black blood flowed from her mouth.
Her face was much older now, appearing to belong to someone in their 80s or 90s.

It seemed like she was about to collapse, but she continued to hold onto the blade and said,

“This is not the end….”


At that moment, Sima Chak’s blade turned and moved inside her body.
There was no mercy there, and her body was split open in an instant.

“Go to the underworld instead of talking nonsense.”


Sima Chak brushed the blood from his sword with two fingers and then placed it back in his sheath.
The brutality was to the point where I was glad to be on his side.

Since there was no resentment when dealing with the enemy, there was no regret.


I saw things that I wouldn’t have been able to see even if I paid a lump sum.

Two absolute warriors in the top five of Murim fought for dominance today, and one died.


Sima Chak just looked silently at her corpse.
Was he considering the merit of winning with my help?

I was feeling regretful as well.

I needed to find out the lord’s secret as well as what she did to Ah Song using her skills.
I didn’t think she would die at Sima Chak’s hand like this.

Still, thanks to that, I managed to avoid trouble.
I needed to thank him.

“Father-in-law, thanks to…’

He then raised his hand to stop me from talking, shocking me, and said,

“Stop with the greetings.
Do you not have anything to say to me?”


Why was he suddenly asking me this?

“Is there anything I should tell my father-in-law?”

He took a deep breath at my question and spoke coldly.

“On my way here, I stopped by the guest house you were staying in.”


My heart stopped for a beat.

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